Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Opening Night Dress 2013: It looks like a dress!

Yay! I took a break while I was at my sister's (good bc I had two barfy kids) and put the dress together last night. Looks pretty good right? Still needs the sleeves, and some parts are basted, but it looks like how it's supposed to! I'm always worried it won't. I'm still worried though...I worry until it's done that somehow during the night something will happen and it'll have a sleeve sewn to the neck or it'll have shrunk or grown 8 inches...

Yes, my face is terrible, and my head looks huge. Sometimes the size of it in relation to my body just makes me feel like Natalie Portman...Alicia reminds me this is not a bad thing. 

The waist does seem a little high, but it'll be worn with a belt so all will be well. I'm worried the weight of the train will be too much for it and I'll end up chopping it off and not having the cowl of the inspiration. Jack and I will have to wait and see! Blur your eyes and the nude material is dead on. I just can't get a tan!


  1. Omg the beaded back is fabulous!! I love seeing your creations :)

  2. Gorgeous! And your head size is perfect.
