Wednesday, May 12, 2010

London: attractive men, cute shoes and jeggings

Men here are much more attractive than back home. They have the same attractiveness in the face department, but they are so much better groomed! A dapper hair cut and European clothes do the body good. Although...

Best looking man I've seen in my life: Jogging past Martha and I on the way to the tube. Tall, dark, ridiculously handsome, short curly hair and just in jogging stuff. He smiled at us because we both broke out in huge smiles as soon as we saw him. Ah....

Also, the general trend for women of the younger set is to be less groomed rather than more. Haircuts are layers and frayed and shaggy. Fashion leans heavily towards shapeless on top and fitted on bottom. Very short skirts are popular with tights. Leggings are popular with tunics. Some women are very well put together. Raincoats and jackets abound. As mentioned earlier, jeggings are worn as pants (above).

Women here wear adorable lace up leather flats like men's shoes (shown above) and I want some real bad and will probably budget to get some b/c I've never seen anything like them in the states.

1 comment:

  1. Did someone let you take that last picture or did you find it online? lol
