Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sherlock: His Last Vow

:::Yes, I did burn what I was crockpotting bc I couldn't spare the time to turn it down during the episode.
:::That buxom Scottish vixen. I felt bad at first, then terrible, then not so bad anymore
:::I TOLD YOU Mary was a bad guy, or rather I hoped she wouldn't be...and she technically wasn't?
:::If I ever get shot I don't think my mind palace will save me, but perhaps my love for Martin Freeman will.
:::People are arguing that CBS's Elementary is more human and likable and has more room to grow, but if getting more glimpses into Sherlock's crazy childhood mind palace sociopathy and then having him kill a man to make John's life better isn't human I don't know what is. And then accepting an assignment whose goal is to kill him isn't loyalty and love, I don't know what is.
:::I have a TV with bad sound and picture so I understood almost nothing that was whispered, nor could read anything Magnussen remembered so I'll definitely have to rewatch this.
:::So...Sherlock's no longer "The Virgin"? I mean...
:::Will The Woman come back? Her episode might still be my favorite...for entertainment value. This one ranks second for emotional damage after Fall.
:::I felt bad for Martin, I mean so bad. I was absolutely heartbroken, but then somehow everything turned and I don't feel bad any more? Well done boys.
:::Martin Freeman is perfection. I know Cumberbatch does well too, but I mean, come on.
:::A real Cumberbatch Christmas!
:::I thought the Rolodexes were fishy...
:::Will we ever know what "Red Beard" is?

I have no idea how this show can sustain itself bc the stakes don't seem to be able to get any higher, but I have faith in Mark and Steven.

1 comment:

  1. Red Beard was their dog. And Sherlock is still "the virgin." When the GF visits him in the hospital they have an exchange that implies they didn't "do the deed" after all.
