Sunday, June 17, 2012

Outnumbered and superstition

This is going to be one of those entries where I just start typing about how busy I've been and have been hard up for blog topics and time to write them until a topic comes to me...uh....hmmm....

So yeah, I've been busy. Dress rehearsals started at the Utah Shakespeare Festival this week. I'm dressing Scapin and Les Mis. I'm fairly busy for Scapin, a couple changes before intermission, then three changes in 4 minutes none over 24 seconds during the chase at the end. Les Mis is a little less impossible with 9 changes before intermission, all over 2 minutes 45 seconds which is pretty easy peasy...

aaaaaaaaaand....I should express an opinion about something, that's usually what I do on here....

ok, I'll tell you about Outnumbered and theatre superstitions.

1st: Outnumbered is a BBC sitcom I watched last summer on PBS after work. It's pretty great. The hijinks of two parents and their three children, the children's dialogue being mostly improvised. I haven't watched it since last summer as I haven't really tried to find it anywhere not on southern UT television, but I was reminded of it a couple of weeks ago. Karen's my favorite. She played baby Elizabeth I in The King's Speech.

2nd: That clip is about Friday the 13th, which is lucky in theatre. Theatre people are very superstitious. Also...

NEVER say Macbeth in a theatre except during a performance. I don't even like to say it on Festival grounds.
You ALWAYS have to knock on wood when you say knock on wood.

and that's all I can think of right now, haha. But we are very superstitious. Whatever can go wrong will, so be careful!

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